Sport England Adult Active Lives Survey Report (Nov 2022 - Nov 2023)

The latest Sport England Adult Active Lives Survey Report is now available, covering the period November 2022–November 2023.

Download the regional summary

Read the full Sport England report


Clare Morley, chief executive officer of Rise, comments: 

“While it’s heartening that British adults are the most active they’ve been in a decade, unfortunately this does not reflect the picture in our region – the North East has some of the lowest levels of physical activity in the country. 

“It’s a proven fact that physically inactive populations are often also the most marginalised – and most likely to be adversely affected by health, social and economic inequalities. 

“A significantly high proportion of our communities are considered inactive – that is doing less than 30 minutes of physical activity a week. 

“Here at Rise, we work tirelessly to advocate for the transformative effect of physical activity and how it can be used to address so many issues in our society, from improving mental health, to educational attainment and community cohesion. 

“We work with partners to collaborate around many of the big issues that our communities face. In particular, we really want to support the people in the North East who are physically inactive, and work with partners and organisations across the region to use movement as a tool to change lives.”